78,000 Israeli soldiers and security forces injured since October 7

The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced that 78,000 of the regime's soldiers and security forces have been injured since October 7, 2023.
Mizan -
According to Russia Today, the Israeli Ministry of War announced today that more than 78,000 of the regime's soldiers and security forces have been injured since October 7, 2023, and 16,000 of the injured have been hospitalized.
The ministry acknowledged that one in two wounded people being treated at the Ministry of War's rehabilitation unit suffers from mental disorders.
The Israeli army also announced on its base that the number of army deaths in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023 has reached 846 people, whose names have been allowed to be published.
The Israeli Army Radio also reported that 50 percent of the injured Israeli soldiers suffer from mental disorders.
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