Negotiations a way for coercive governments to impose new demands that definitely won’t be fulfilled

During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei described the holy month of Ramadan as the Month of Dhikr [remembrance of God] and referred to the Quran as the Book of Dhikr. “Dhikr is the opposite of negligence and forgetfulness, and among the various forms of negligence, forgetting oneself and forgetting God is truly damaging and irreparable," he stated.
Ayatollah Khamenei, referring to the verses of the Quran regarding the consequences of forgetting God, said: "If a person forgets God, the Lord will also forget him; that is, He will remove that individual from the circle of His mercy and guidance, leaving them to face humiliation and abandonment on their own." In explaining the profound social dimensions of self-forgetfulness, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to a striking verse from Surah At-Tawbah. "If, within the system of the Islamic Republic, we act like our predecessors, that is, the officials of the Taghut regime, we will have committed a grave and alarming offense, one that brings about immense damage," he remarked.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution conveyed appreciation for the insightful and valuable statements made by Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, highlighting the President’s motivation and sense of duty as profoundly valuable. "Mr. Pezeshkian's focus on placing trust in God and harnessing the potential to accomplish monumental endeavors is wholly beneficial," he stated.
The Supreme Leader of the Revolution, continuing his remarks, expressed satisfaction with the active role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its emphasis on expanding interactions with neighboring countries and others. “Some foreign governments and domineering figures insist on negotiations, while their goal is not to resolve issues but to exert control and impose their own agendas. If the other party agrees, all the better for them; but if they don’t, they stir up controversy and accuse the other side of abandoning the negotiations," he stated.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to the statement by three European countries claiming that Iran has not fulfilled its nuclear commitments under the JCPOA, remarked, "They should be asked, 'Did you fulfill your own commitments under the JCPOA?' From the very first day, they failed to honor their obligations, and even after the United States withdrew from the JCPOA, despite their promises to compensate for it, they went back on their promises twice."
Ayatollah Khamenei described the Europeans’ breach of trust, coupled with their simultaneous accusation of Iran for violations, as a testament to their unabashed audacity. "The administration at the time tolerated the circumstances for a year, after which the Iranian Parliament stepped in and passed a resolution, as no other course was viable. Even now, in the face of coercion and bullying, there remains no alternative path."
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution elucidated that the structure of Iran’s governing system rests upon the principles and aspirations of the Holy Quran, alongside the benchmarks and aims derived from the Quran and the Sunnah. "On this basis, we cannot be followers of Western civilization. Of course, wherever a merit exists globally, including within Western civilization, we will make use of it. However, we cannot focus on Western principles and standards, as they are flawed and at odds with Islamic values."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution further highlighted the ignominy of Western civilization stemming from its legacy of colonialism, the exploitation of nations’ resources, widespread massacres, false claims about human rights and women’s rights, and their double standards on various issues. "The notion of the free flow of information in the West is nothing but a lie. Mentioning the names of figures such as General Soleimani, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, Martyr Haniyeh, and certain other prominent luminaries on Western social platforms is prohibited, as is objecting to the crimes perpetrated by the Zionists in Palestine and Lebanon," he asserted.
Ayatollah Khamenei drew attention to the falsehoods propagated by Western media about the situation in Iran, stating, "Which of these media outlets ever mention the scientific progress, the massive popular gatherings, or the successes of the Iranian nation and the Islamic system? On the contrary, they magnify our weaknesses tenfold."
He also cited the words of certain Western sociologists, asserting, "Western civilization is experiencing a daily decline, and we have no right to follow suit".
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution characterized the nation's growing pride as a tangible reality, despite the negative propaganda from Iran's enemies. He emphasized that sustaining this pride relies on the appropriate actions of the country's officials and the preservation of national identity.