Leader of the Revolution: Syrian youth will trample US bases in Syria

This morning, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of General Soleimani, in a meeting with the family of the general and a group of families of "martyrs defending the shrine and martyrs of the resistance", the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained some of Hajj Qassem Soleimani's personality and behavioral characteristics and said: We must learn from these characteristics and move towards the main goal of the Soleimani school, which is "realizing Islam and the Quran".
Ayatollah Khamenei also emphasized the victory of the Syrian nation over the occupiers sooner or later and the continuation of the resistance in Yemen, Palestine and Lebanon, and glorified the martyrs defending the shrine and said: Soleimani considered Iran a shrine as well, and if it were not for those pure blood, there would be no any of the holy shrines.
The Leader of the Revolution considered the enthusiastic presence of thousands of pilgrims from Iran and other countries at the tomb of Martyr Soleimani a sign of God-given honor and the result of his sincerity, and said: The Quran says, honor is only in the hands of God, and one must understand this truth of knowledge and apply it in the style and orientation of life.
He called General Soleimani a great fighter and his dear and sincere friend, and called his courageous, quick, and timely initiative and presence in the field among the prominent characteristics of the general.
Referring to Hajj Qassem's presence in the field of struggle against American evils in Afghanistan and Iraq since the early 1980s, Ayatollah Khamenei added: America's main goal in occupying these two countries was Iran, but that honorable and honest man entered the field without being afraid of America's apparent grandeur, and ultimately, those occupations led to America's defeat and the thwarting of that great conspiracy.
"Of course, there is a lot of information in this field that should be preserved as lasting documents in the country's political education and passed on to future generations," he said, recalling General Soleimani's reluctance to articulate or document the specifics of his unique role in those events.
Referring to the defense of a small group of defenseless and unarmed Iraqi youth in the shrine of the Amir al-Muminin (AS) during the attack by the American occupiers, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The General, with a sense of duty, immediately and quickly contacted those youth and saved them, and of course the authority also made an extraordinary and very effective move in that matter.”
He called the Americans’ goal in occupying Iraq to succeed Saddam and said: “The Americans had come to stay, but the General and his companions played a fundamental role in a difficult, complex, and long process and in a combined political, military, propaganda, and cultural war, in the path of the Iraqi people taking control of their own destiny.”
The Leader of the Revolution called the defeat of the American ISIS Conspiracy another result of Hajj Qassem’s quick, timely, and decisive presence in the field and said: In confronting Takfiri terrorism, Iraqi youth truly shone, but in thwarting that conspiracy on which the life and death of the region depended, Soleimani played an unparalleled role with his initiative, courage, selflessness, and power.
He considered the general’s constant strategy in jihadi activities to be “reviving the resistance front,” adding: Soleimani’s distinctive characteristic was that he used the capacities, ready-to-work youth, and patriotic forces of Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq to revive the resistance in the best possible way.
Referring to the religious authority’s fatwa on the necessity of standing up to ISIS, the Leader of the Revolution said: Thousands of young people came to the field with that important fatwa, but they lacked organization and weapons. The general, with the help of great Iraqi mujahideen, especially martyr Abu Mahdi, who was a very great and valuable man, organized, armed, and trained those young people.
He considered the defense of sacred shrines to be a constant principle throughout the jihad and struggle of Hajj Qasem and said: The commander also defended Iran as a shrine, and this logic of defending sacred shrines is very important and necessary.
Ayatollah Khamenei added: For the commander, defending the holy shrines in Karbala, Zainabiyah, the shrines of the companions of the Amir al-Muminin (AS) in the Levant and in Iraq, and especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque, was an important principle, and for this reason, Martyr Haniyeh called him the “Martyr of Quds” at the funeral of the commander.
The Leader of the Revolution called another very important characteristic of Martyr Soleimani his analysis of the country’s issues with a global perspective and avoidance of a closed and limited view of issues, and said: He believed that every important regional and global incident also had an impact on the issues of our country, and with this perspective and calculation, he recognized the danger from outside the borders and took action to prevent and remedy it.
He considered the distinguished characteristics of Martyr Soleimani to be worthy of examination in the form of the "School of Soleimani" and added: This school is the same school of Islam and the Quran that Martyr Soleimani became the "indicator, center, and axis" by adhering to it, and if we also have the same faith and righteous deeds, we can become Soleimani and be subject to divine grace.
In another part of his speech, referring to the important issue of defending the shrine, at the foot of which innocent blood has been shed, Ayatollah Khamenei said: Some people, due to their "lack of understanding, recognition, and correct analysis" of the issues, imagine and state that with the recent events in the region, the bloodshed in the defense of the shrine has been wasted, and this idea and statement is a great mistake and error; because if it were not for the courageous struggle of Hajj Qassem and the defenders of the shrine, there would be no news of the holy shrines today, whether it be Zainabiyah or even Karbala and Najaf.
He said: At one time, there was a certain amount of neglect in Samarra, and the Takfiris, with the help of America, destroyed the dome and shrine of the Imams of Askari, and if it were not for the sacrifices of the young believers, other holy sites and qiblas of the hearts of Muslims would have suffered the same sad fate, but the dear and proud defenders of the shrine stopped the enemy and gave him a beating.
The Leader of the Revolution called the truth of defending the shrine, in addition to defending a holy place, defending the owner of that place and the school of the noble Imams, and said: In the Quranic culture, any blood that is shed anywhere in the way of truth and God, even if victory is not achieved, is not wasted and is valuable in the sight of the Lord.
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized: Of course, victory is certain, and one should not view this current movement as false. Because those who are walking around today will one day be trampled under the feet of the believers.
The Leader of the Revolution called the events of recent years and the visible activities of Martyr Soleimani and his companions, including the movement to defend the shrine, a sign of the vitality, freshness, and fruitfulness of the holy tree of the revolution, and said: Just as in the 60s, young people would fall at their feet to please their parents and go to the front lines of war, in the 80s and 90s, young people like Martyr Hojaji would kiss their mothers’ feet to gain permission to wage jihad, which shows that the Islamic Republic is still alive after 46 years.
Referring to the readiness of millions of Iranian youths to sacrifice their lives in defense of Islam, he said: The defenders of the shrine showed that despite the heavy investments and expenses of ill-wishers, the flag of resistance is still flying, and the enemy has not been able and will not be able to lower the flag of resistance in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei considered the preservation of the factors of authority essential for the continuation of the national strength and authority of any country and said: The group of faithful and self-sacrificing youth are the most important factors of the stability and authority of a country and such youth should not be removed from the scene.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: Of course, this issue is of great concern in our country, but other countries should also pay attention to it; because with the departure of faithful and self-sacrificing youth from the scene, a situation similar to Syria will be created, with chaos and occupation of its territory by foreigners such as the United States, the Zionist regime and some other aggressor countries.
He considered the continued presence of the aggressors in Syria impossible and said: Syria belongs to the Syrian people and those aggressors on Syrian territory will undoubtedly one day be forced to retreat in the face of the power of the zealous Syrian youth.
Referring to the continuous construction of American bases in Syria, the Leader of the Revolution said: The aggressor must leave the territory belonging to a nation or else they will be expelled; Therefore, American bases will definitely be trampled under the feet of Syrian youth.
Emphasizing that the final victory belongs to the believers, Ayatollah Khamenei said: Lebanon is a symbol of resistance, and although wounded, it has not bowed down and will ultimately win, just as Yemen is also a symbol of resistance and will win, and God willing, the aggressor enemies, led by the greedy and criminal America, will be forced to give up on the people of the region and leave the region in humiliation.