The secret of the enemies’ fear of the Resistance discourse

31 January 2025 - 09:00:02
Category: home ، General
Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour Head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization

On the anniversary of the Prophet hood of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and in a meeting with a group of officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran and ambassadors of Islamic countries, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the resistance movement a manifestation of the mission. His Highness also emphasized in analyzing the nature and colonialist approach of the domination movement:

"The history of colonialism shows three stages of "plunder of natural resources", "cultural plunder and destruction of authentic cultures", and "plunder and seizure of the national and religious identity" of nations, and today, powerful and evil systems of the world are imposing all three stages of colonialism on nations."

There are some points that need to be considered regarding the wise statements of the wise Leader of the Islamic Revolution:

First, separating the nature of ancient colonialism from that of modern colonialism is an example of a perceptual and cognitive error. Colonialists in the past, present, and future have one nature. And they have one goal, which is the enslavement of nations and the imposition of a degenerate culture of submission to them. Therefore, we are dealing with a single nature and goal and diverse tools that we need to act consciously in recognizing and explaining them.

Confining colonialism to a specific historical moment is the same "time-oriented" reading of a phenomenon that the flow of oppression and domination in different periods finds itself obliged to rewrite and redefine based on the requirements of time and place. The plunder of the natural resources of countries in order to make them dependent on the liberal economy is only one of the functions and outputs of the colonial flow. This tangible output should not make us neglect other stages and dimensions of ancient and recent colonialism.

Another point, focused on another stage of colonialism, is under the title of "cultural plunder and destruction of authentic cultures". Cultural plunder begins with "cultural teachings and foundations" and is extended to "cultural examples".

Initially, the enemy targets man's belief in his cultural authenticity and leads minds directly or indirectly towards "cultural alienation". This guidance has been strengthened by the creation and strengthening of deviant schools and ideas in various periods of history and remains strong today.

Removing culture from a society is like targeting the pillar of a country. When "cultural alienation" replaces "preservation of authentic culture and civilization", the most important prerequisite for the destruction of a civilizational system is provided. Exactly the same category that the West has pursued and will pursue in its target societies.

The third point is related to another stage of colonialism under the title of "plundering and seizing the national and religious identity of countries". When a country is deprived of its cultural belongings, needs, beliefs and assets, "national and religious identity" is also naturally affected by this phenomenon.

One of the main reasons for the West's massive investment in creating an "eclectic view" of human culture and civilization and its elimination in constructivist and nihilistic perspectives is precisely this issue.

Religious and national identity in such circumstances cannot find more than two states: one is that it is transformed from a basis of governance and social life into an abstract idea, or it is basically completely negated by trends influenced by the West. This is the same process that we have also observed in the process of "Westernization of societies" in contemporary history.

What has led to the West's horror and despair towards the discursive, cultural and religious system of resistance is precisely this issue. About 1400 years ago, the Great Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, was sent on a great mission to perfect the virtues of human morality and teach the worldly and hereafter lifestyle to past, present and future generations.

The discourse and culture of resistance are essentially human-building because they are the result of The Bi’tha and its specific manifestation in various eras, especially the current sensitive and fateful period. False ideas and submission to the oppression and rebellion of the arrogant have no place in this thinking and never will.

The recent victories of the resistance front, since they are defined within the heart of this discourse and subsequently in relation to the blessed and unparalleled phenomenon of The Bi’tha of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him and his family, will be permanent and enduring and will mark the final victory of the front of truth over falsehood.

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